
„The Blossoming Garden” by Zvejsalnieks in Rietumu Bank

An exhibition of one of the brightest, most interesting and recognised modern classics of Latvian painting, Osvalds Zvejsalnieks, has opened at the Art Gallery of Rietumu Bank. It is entitled “Once upon in a Blossoming Garden...”. Works created by the master in plein air in Latvia, Lithuania, Spain and other countries are exhibited.

22 January 2013, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

Latvian Opera in the Bolshoi: World Classic with Latvian Accent

The tour will take place with the support of the Latvian Ministry of Culture and Rietumu Bank.

17 January 2013, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

The Russian Silver Age – in the Museum of Foreign Art, Riga Stock Exchange

The exhibition Silver Age. Russian Art Works from Museum Collections of the Baltic Region. 1890-1930, has been opened in the Museum of Foreign Art, Riga Stock Exchange. It exhibits about two hundred works of outstanding Russian artists, graphic artists and sculptors from museums of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

9 November 2012, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

Lonely urbanist and romantic: exhibition of Edgars Mikelsons in Rietumu Gallery

The exhibition titled Retrospection by Edgars Mikelsons , one of the most talented modern Latvian artists, has opened in the art gallery of Rietumu Bank. The exposition presents more than 50 works that reflect the creative development of the author, i.e. from the very first pictures, to the works that were created in recent years. The exhibition is held in two parts. Its second part is open in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Riga.

26 October 2012, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

Rietumu held an art collection exhibition at the “Riga Bourse” museum

Recently, in Riga, Rietumu Bank exhibited the works from its corporate collection titled “The Presence of Art” at the “Riga Bourse” museum which was opened in the beginning of September. It was a common project of the bank and the Latvian National Museum of Arts that was timed to the twentieth anniversary of Rietumu.

18 October 2012, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship

European Speedway Championship finals in the Baltic "region of blue lakes"

On September 1, the individual finals of European Speedway Championships will take place in Daugavpils, Latvia. Around 8 thousand spectators are expected to arrive from the Baltics, Europe, Russia and the CIS. Television coverage of the event is expected in almost twenty countries. The European Championship finals are supported by Rietumu.

20 August 2012, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship