Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund supports children healthcare

16 June 2008, 12:00

Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund commenced funding complex cardiologic diagnostics of children and teenagers by the University of Latvia Cardiology Institute and the Riga University Children Hospital. The project aim is to find out how children are affected by heart illnesses and to prevent the illness progress on its earliest stages.

More than 2200 pupils have been medically diagnosed recently. Among 28.77% of them, a number of cardiologic deviations have been found, including heart dysrythmia among 13.23% of school children, hypertension among 4.82% and inborn cardiac pathologies among 1.55% of pupils. It is planned to undertake cardio-diagnostics of children in all Latvian regions.

The project author, Andreys Erglis, professor of Cardiology Institute, said, “If heart problems are detected in time, modern technology and medicine are capable of curing the illness. For that reason, it is crucial for us to find those children, who are in the risk group, and to notify their parents so that to start the curing process as early as possible and lessen the number of sufferers from heart illnesses in our country”.

Support of children healthcare is one of the core priorities of Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund. During a number of years, the Fund supported the Riga Stradina University Hospital, the Center of Emergency and Disaster Medicine, the Riga University Children Hospital, children units of Valmiera and Rezekne hospitals; in 2008, the Fund commenced to implement the project on identifying and awarding the best children nurses in Latvia.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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