What is whistleblowing?

Reporting of a possible criminal offence, administrative offence or a violation of other legal provisions (act or omissions), including actions contrary to the purpose of the legislation, as well as violation of binding ethical or professional provisions norms that may harm the public interest.

Who is a whistleblower?

A whistleblower may be only a natural person who provides information on a possible violation which may harm the public interests if the person considers this information to be true and it has been obtained while fulfilling the work duties or establishing legal relations related to the fulfilment of work duties or while being in traineeship, and who might be subjected to adverse effects due to the provision of such information.

The above list of violations is not exhaustive, you also have the right to raise an alarm about other violations not directly mentioned.

The following shall not be considered whistleblowing:

  • Submit an anonymous message
  • If the whistleblower is a legal person;
  • provision of intentionally false information;
  • disclosure of information containing an official secret;
  • reporting only on an infringement of personal interests;
  • violation of the confidentiality of communication between an advocate and a client, a physician and a patient;
  • disclosure of confidential deliberations of judges and of the non-disclosable information which has been acquired during closed court hearings;
  • disclosure of information on the performance of special investigative actions and also disclosure of the information acquired as a result thereof;
  • disclosure of information on consulting with representatives of employees or trade unions, and also parties to the collective agreement insofar as the information necessary for entering into or amending of the collective agreement is affected.

How to blow the whistle?

The report may be submitted to the Bank in the following order:

  • to e-mail: [email protected].
    The whistleblower shall fill in the Whistleblower's report form, sign it with an electronic signature and indicate in the title of the e-mail - the Whistleblower's report;
  • by post: Vesetas street 7, Riga, LV-1013.
    The whistleblower fills in and signs the Whistleblower's Report Form and addresses a letter to AS Rietumu Banka, indicating "Whistleblower's Report" on the envelope;
  • y placing a specially designed lockable alarm message in a mailbox with the inscription "Trauksmes ziņojumi", which is located in the mailbox shed of the AS Rietumu Banka building Vesetas iela 7, Rīgā −1 floor behind the elevator;
  • y addressing the competent authority, which has the appropriate competence to react to the violation, or at the contact point of whistleblowers at the State Chancellery, or by sending a report to the Latvian Finance Latvia Association - [email protected].

    The list of contact persons of the competent authorities in matters of whistleblowing can be found www.trauksmescelejs.lv.

In addition, we would like to inform you that from the receipt of the whistleblower's report, the whistleblower's personal data is pseudonymized, the information received is strictly confidential and has the status of restricted access information.

The whistleblowing system is not an emergency service.