
Daina Skadmane’s World of Art at Rietumu Gallery

This is a memorial exhibition - it presents works of the young artist, whose life ended so tragically during the collapse of a shopping centre in Riga in 2013.

17 January 2018, 13:48 Charity & Sponsorship

Christmas "Spruce" – a new symbol of ancient Riga

Simultaneously with the forest beauty, the original art object "Spruce" began to sparkle there , the creation of which was supported by Rietumu Charity Fund.

6 December 2017, 17:44 Charity & Sponsorship

Alexander Gafin: We Have Succeeded in Restoring the Tradition of Holding World-Class Concerts in Jurmala

Last weekend the performance of Joshua Bell in Dzintari Concert Hall in Jurmala enjoyed great success. The concert of this marvellous violinist, Grammy, Gramophone and Mercury awards winner, continued the programme of Baltic Musical Seasons.

24 August 2017, 17:07 Charity & Sponsorship