
International Forum “eCom21” - in Riga for the Sixth Time

Venue of the forum is traditionally in Riga, the capital of Latvia.

2 March 2017, 14:54 Products & Services

Net Profit of Rietumu Bank in 2016 Has Exceeded EUR 80 million

In accordance with the statement, net profit of the bank amounts to EUR 80.3 million, which is by 11% higher than in 2015. The consolidated profit of Rietumu Group has reached EUR 82.3 million.

2 March 2017, 11:32 Financial Results

Rietumu Has Started Cooperation with the Leading German Platform for Placement of Deposits

Rietumu Bank is the first bank in Latvia to launch such FinTech project.

23 February 2017, 14:03 Products & Services