Personal Exhibition by Viktorija Pelse in Rietumu Gallery

28 July 2015, 12:00

Personal exhibition of the outstanding Latvian sculptor and living classic Viktorija Pelse has been opened in Rietumu Bank art gallery.

The exhibition is a retrospective of works of one of the most significant artists of our times Viktorija Pelse. approximately three dozens of works cover the period from 60-70’s of the last century to present time.

Brilliant examples of both monumental, decorative, and indoor sculptures, and small-scale sculptures made of marble, clay, bronze, plaster cast, porcelain plastics are exhibited in Rietumu Bank gallery. Artworks from several private collections, as well as from the collection of the very Rietumu Bank are provided.

‘Personal exhibition by Viktorija Pelse is an ability to feel creations of our outstanding contemporary, who has become a recognized classic, - said Sergejs Grodnikovs, Head of the Department of Public Relations, Advertising and Marketing of Rietumu Bank. - We took the organizing of this exposition not only with full responsibility, but also with trembling, which you experience every time you come across a legend. Not less than three years have been spent on exhibition preparation. And now we are proud to present a collection of works by Viktorija Pelse, a true master of beauty of the human body, whose works are full of vitality and genuine feeling’.

Viktorija Pelse is a world-renowned master, well known in Latvia and abroad. She was born in Moscow in 1936, where she spent the first fifteen years of her life. Then she moved to Riga with her parents in 1951, and graduated school here. She graduated from Riga Polytechnic Institute and received engineer education as her first one. She received her second higher education in Sculpture Department of Latvian State Academy of Arts.

According to recognition of Viktorija Pelse, she has experienced considerable influence of French sculpture, in particular, Aristide Maillol and Antoine Bourdelle in her works. The world famous sculptor Ernst Neizvestny is another name, which is often mentioned by the Latvian sculptor: he and Viktorija Pelse are connected with not only by common creative views, but also by close friendship that lasts for many years.

The works by Viktorija Pelse are exhibited in State Museum of Fine Arts in Riga, the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Museum Ludwig in Cologne etc. They are widely represented in many private collections in Latvia, USA, France, Germany, Austria and Russia.

Viktorija Pelse is a constant participant of various professional shows and exhibitions regularly held in Latvia, Russia, Sweden, Spain and Germany.

Personal exhibition in Rietumu Bank art gallery is held in Latvia for the first time after a long break of more than 10 years.

The exhibition will last until September.

Open on weekdays 9:00-17:00.

Entrance - free.

Exhibition address: Art gallery on ground floor, office of Rietumu Capital Centre, 7, Vesetas Str., Riga

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

World Jazz Festival in Latvian capital has passed successfully

World Jazz Festival that gathered world’s noticeable musicians has passed in Riga last weekend. Festival was held in Latvian capital already the second time and, as usually, with Rietumu Bank support.

27 July 2015, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship