Speedway Rietumu Bank Latvian FIM Speedway Grand Prix Held in Latvia

21 July 2015, 12:00

Last Saturday, “ Rietumu Bank Latvian FIM Speedway Grand Prix” was held in Daugavpils. The general sponsor of the contest is the Rietumu Bank, the largest speedway competition sponsor in Latvia.

“Rietumu Bank Latvian FIM Speedway Grand Prix” competition was held in "Lokomotiv" stadium located in Daugavpils, which is recognized to be one of the best speedway tracks in Europe. 18 athletes from Denmark, United Kingdom, USA, Poland, Latvia, Sweden, Australia and other countries took part in the race.

First place went to the Pole Maciej Janowski, who won his first victory in the World Series in "Lokomotiv". Second on the podium was Dane Nicki Pedersen, and the third - Australian Troy Batchelor. World Champion - American Greg Hancock, who has won Daugavpils games three times in previous years, this time, came in fifth.

Live broadcast of events was provided by Latvian National Television and Eurosport channel.

Currently, it is negotiated whether to hold the 2016 Grand Prix World Series or the speedway World Cup in "Bikernieki" Riga stadium, which was completely renovated and put into operation last year. Recently the first speedway specialized section was opened in Riga, capital of Latvia, which will educate young professional athletes.

Speedway in Latvia has been actively developed since the mid 20th century. In the past 25 years, international competitions in this type of sport are held is the "Lokomotiv" stadium located in Daugavpils, which is also where Latvian speedway team trains. This stadium, regularly hosts European and World Championship series for many years, which attracts numerous fans and guests from Latvia, as well as European and CIS neighboring countries.

Since last year, speedway has received a new impetus for development in Latvia’s capital - Riga, where training base for young athletes and competitions has been created.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

World Speedway Grand Prix to Be Held with the Support of Rietumu

The general sponsor of the event is the Rietumu Bank.

17 July 2015, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship