Annual Contest “Our Search for the Best Nurse” Is Starting

10 September 2015, 12:00

The contest patroness is the First Lady of Latvia, Iveta Vejone.

Medical nurses from all departments of Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, one of the biggest medical centres of the country, will take part in the contest. Thus, current and former patients, their relatives and friends, can vote for 755 “sisters of mercy” from this hospital and, finally, choose 25 of them, who are the best and the most responsive.

According to the Chairperson of the Rietumu Bank Charity Fund, Inga Sina, “Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital is one of the leading medical institutions in Latvia. It has a lot of human resources; it provides assistance to a considerable number of people coming from different parts of the country, and, for the contest, it means reaching yet another higher level.

Our Fund has been supporting medicine and healthcare for a number of years, and the contest “Our Search for the Best Nurse” is one of our traditional projects. It is really hard to overestimate the role of nurses, as they are the ones who selflessly help us to overcome difficulties and recover after illnesses. Still, regrettably, their important work often remains unnoticed. Therefore, I am sincerely pleased that our contest will not only help to draw attention to representatives of this significant profession, but will also allow for awarding and supporting the best of them.”

According to the contest results, each of the 25 best nurses will be awarded an honorary diploma and money prize from the Rietumu Bank Charity Fund – EUR 700 (net amount, after taxes).

The voting process will remain unchanged: all current or former patients of Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, as well their relatives, can participate.

The voting will start on 10 September and will last until 10 December 2015. A vote for the best nurse can be cast by one of two ways: on the website or by filling out a form and casting it into one of the ballot boxes which will be placed in all departments of Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital.

Then, the votes will be counted and, in January 2016, a solemn awards ceremony of the contest winners will be held.

This year, the contest “Our Search for the Best Nurse” will be held for the fifth time. One can follow the latest news on the website .

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Golf Tournament “Cup of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Rietumu Bank” Was Held in Riga

At the end of last week, the second golf tournament in honour of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Riga with the support of Rietumu Bank. A modern golf club was used as its venue – Ozo Golf Club.

2 September 2015, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship