Golf Tournament “Cup of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Rietumu Bank” Was Held in Riga

2 September 2015, 12:00

At the end of last week, the second golf tournament in honour of the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held in Riga with the support of Rietumu Bank. A modern golf club was used as its venue – Ozo Golf Club.

The tournament participants were not only Kazakh and Latvian diplomats and businessmen, but also representatives from 12 countries: Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, Russia, Germany, South Korea, the USA, Japan and others.

This sport event was opened by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bauyrzhan Mukhamedzhanov. In his speech, the Ambassador especially emphasised, “I am glad that this golf tournament has become a good tradition. Our golf family is expanding; the number of those who wish to take part in the tournament is growing, and this year the participants represent 12 countries. Casual communication between the tournament participants is evidence of the fact that dialogue is being established between our countries, contributing to economic development.”

Like in any other competition, the best players were awarded special prizes and cups, and the winner got the main prize – the Cup of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan and Rietumu Bank. The Ambassador passed it for storage to Renat Lokomet, Member of the Board of Rietumu Bank. By the way, the cup is an exact copy of the symbol of Kazakhstan – the Bayterek monument.

In turn, Renat Lokomet presented the Embassy with a photo of the Old Town in the 1920’s, taken by a recognised Latvian photographer, Chairman of the Latvian Photographers Association Vilis Ridzinieks, as a souvenir to remind all of this event. “On behalf of Rietumu Bank, its shareholders and the Board, I congratulate all residents of your country on the national holiday. I would like to wish the people of Kazakhstan new impressive achievements in the development of their country, prosperity, well-being and new wonderful projects in the field of cooperation with Latvia,” noted Renat Lokomet.

Following the official award ceremony, a ceremonial reception was held for guests and participants of the event.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Trustee of the Moscow Biennale: “These will be an Extremely Fascinating 10 Days”

The general partner of the Biennale , which will open in Moscow at VDNKh on 22 September, is Rietumu Bank.

25 August 2015, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship