Rietumu Bank Is Again Taking Part in Black Sea Grain-2016 Forum

20 April 2016, 12:00

This year will be the second time that Rietumu Bank takes part in this conference as a sponsor and a participant of discussion panels.

The motto of the current forum is “TRADE MUST GO ON”. Its discussion subjects will be new factors which influence the formation of agrarian and export policies of the Black Sea Region countries, logistics issues and new channels for the supply of grains, prospects of the agrarian sector for the 2016/17 season, the growing role of Asian economies in agrarian consumption, the effect of the energy crisis on the production of grains and oil crops and other topical issues.

According to the Head of the Trade Finance Department of Rietumu Bank Natalya Perkhova, “International trade of grains is one of the most stable segments of the economy which can develop successfully even in crisis periods. Therefore, even now there is a growing demand for trade finance services which allow the volume of current assets to be increased.

Rietumu Bank has been specialising in this segment for over 20 years and is one of the few European banks, which successfully finance foreign trade in Russia and other CIS countries, including of the Black Sea Region, in particular the trade of agricultural products both in the Baltic and the Black Sea Region. Participation in this authoritative forum will again allow us to present our services and opportunities to the biggest players on this market, the potential of which we value as very high.”

The participants of the Black Sea Grain Conference will be representatives from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Brazil, South Africa and other countries – in total, over 700 delegates from 50 states, including leading manufacturers of agricultural products, traders, agribusiness holding companies, banks and logistic companies.

This forum, which has been held in the capital of Ukraine since 2004, is the most significant event of the grain market of the Black Sea Region and one of the leading specialised international platforms for discussing pressing issues and tendencies of the world’s agrarian market, the exchange of advanced initiatives and the establishment of international cooperation.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

RAM experts: it's time to invest in quality bonds

The upcoming presidential election in the USA will bring some extra nerves to the financial markets – believes the team of the asset management company Rietumu Asset Management (RAM). In these circumstances it is a good decision to wait out the «storm» by having assets with minimal risk level.

19 April 2016, 12:00 Products & Services