RAM experts: it's time to invest in quality bonds

19 April 2016, 12:00

The upcoming presidential election in the USA will bring some extra nerves to the financial markets – believes the team of the asset management company Rietumu Asset Management (RAM). In these circumstances it is a good decision to wait out the «storm» by having assets with minimal risk level.

According to expert’s opinion, this purpose can be matched using quality bonds with a maturity period of 1 to 3 years.

«Such financial instruments allow one to survive relatively quietly the inevitable turbulent phase on the markets, which is typical for pre-election periods» – says RAM expert Yury Moskaliuk.

Right now, traditional pre-election nervousness is particularly strong, as influenced by the populist ideas of one of the main US presidential candidates from Republican party, Donald Trump. And the closer the «moment of truth» approaches, the more volatility such rhetoric can cause on the markets.

To those investors who would like to raise the levels of expected yield in this kind of situation, RAM experts advise concentrating their investments in bonds from high potential segments, as well as more actively using the possibilities of attracting additional financing.

Rietumu Bank has prepared to its customers special limited offer for short-term bonds financing on especially attractive conditions.

The full text of the RAM review and expert estimations of the specific financial instruments can be found here.

Rietumu Asset Management (RAM) is an asset management company, which is part of Rietumu Bank group.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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