Rietumu Capital Centre Will Be the Venue for a Meeting of the Ambassador of Kazakhstan with Latvian Entrepreneurs

11 December 2014, 12:00

The meeting has been prepared by the Latvia-Kazakhstan Business Club with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Latvia and Rietumu Bank.

Latvian entrepreneurs participating in the meeting will be able to discuss topical and the most advanced areas of cooperation, priorities in economic and political cooperation between the countries, as well as ask the Ambassador questions’’ about other things.

In the course of the meeting, a presentation of the recently established Latvia-Kazakhstan Business Club will take place; a separate official part will be dedicated to Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At present, the highest activity in bilateral economic relations is noted in the transport, transit and logistics spheres, in the food industry, the power industry, education and science. In the opinion of experts, the potential of economic cooperation between Latvia and Kazakhstan is rather high and there are promising projects in many industries.

Historically, Kazakhstan is an important partner for Latvia in the Central Asia region. Economic relations between the countries are successful, and a growth of activity in this field is observed in recent years, which is supported by a high level of political contacts. Last summer the President of Latvia Andris Berzins paid an official visit to Kazakhstan, earlier this year the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan Erlan Idrisov visited Latvia, and recently, this autumn, the Mayor of Riga Nil Ushakov visited Astana with a delegation of Latvian entrepreneurs.

The active political cooperation between the countries has created fertile soil for fruitful economic development, the results of which can also be seen in the growth of business volume between Latvia and Kazakhstan.

“We at Rietumu Bank, which traditionally provides services to corporate clients including those who are actively engaged in international trade and other types of cross-border business, note a rather wide range of trends and spheres where entrepreneurs of our countries cooperate successfully. The geographical position and structure of the Latvian and Kazakh economies allows us to cooperate, naturally complementing each other. It is worth noting that recently many issues that encumber the further development of business ties, for instance, the absence of a direct air connection, are being solved successfully,” noted the Member of the Board of Rietumu Bank Renat Lokomet.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]