- The oldest electronic trading exchange.
- Quote base Level 2 MarketMaker.
- The fastest growing stock market in the world.
- Highest daily turnover of stocks in comparison with other exchanges.
- Rietumu Banka offers 2 types of service: Level 1: Bid/Ask and Last Sale. Level 2: Level 1, plus MarketMaker.
- More information at:
- NASDAQ trading session, basically: between 9:30 am and 4:00 pm EST.
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
- The world’s largest stock market – „Big Board”. This is where almost all blue-chip stocks are traded.
- More information at:
- „OpenBook” – a real-time view of the specialist’s limit-order book. For more information see:
- NYSE trading session, basically: between 9:30 am and 4:00 pm EST.
American Stock Exchange (since March 2009 NYSE Amex Equities)
- The second largest trading platform in the USA.
- More information at:
- AMEX trading session, basically: between 9:30 am and 4:00 pm EST.
NYSE Arca (also known as ArcaEx, abbreviated from Archipelago Exchange)
- The first fully electronic exchange in USA.
- NYSE Arca is known for its open architecture designed to provide best possible execution of deals for investors.
- Currently owned by NYSE Euronext.
- More information at:
- ArcaEx trading session, basically: between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm CET.
Options Price Reporting Authority
- A committee of six participant exchanges – American Stock Exchange, Chicago Board of Options Exchange, New York Stock Exchange, Pacific Stock Exchange, and Philadelphia Stock Exchange.
- In order to receive stock option quotations for stocks traded on AMEX or NYSE one needs an agreement with both exchanges and OPRA.
- For more information on AMEX see:
- For more information on NYSE see:
- For more information on CBOE see:
- For more information on PCX see:
- For more information on PHLX see:
- For more information on BOX see:
The International Securities Exchange (ISE)
The first fully electronic options market in America. Electronic trading exchanges successfully operate in all parts of the world providing a considerably higher level of efficiency and faster trading than conventional exchanges. ISE provides significant economy and protection to its participants due to considerably reduced operational and transactional costs and modern technology. Currently ISE is a part of the Eurex holding.
The Chicago Board Options Exchange ® (CBOE)
Founded in 1973 this exchange has revolutionized the options industry by standardizing stock options and including them in listings. Before that, options trading was unsupervised and did not have to comply with the principles of a fair and regulated market. Successful implementation of the new terms of options trading has turned CBOE into the second largest stock exchange in the country and the world’s largest options exchange. Today more than 51% of options in America and over 91% of index options are traded on CBOE.
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX)
The Philadelphia Stock Exchange was founded in 1790 and is the oldest stock exchange in the United States. In its time it was the first American stock exchange to enter the Internet and launch its website online. In 2008, it was acquired by NASDAQ.
The Pacific Exchange (PCX)
More than 2500 stocks, bonds and other securities, as well as options for more than 800 stocks are traded on the Pacific Exchange (PCX). It also lists options for the Morgan Stanley Emerging Growth SM (EGI) index. PCX is the third exchange in the list of the most active stock exchanges in the country and the third largest stock options exchange in the world. Currently, PCX does not operate under its own name and is a part of NYSE.
The Boston Options Exchange (BOX)
This stock options exchange is a subsidiary of the Boston Stock Exchange and, accordingly, is under the jurisdiction of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Currently owned by NASDAQ OMX.