Rietumu Electronic Signature

Rietumu Banka's electronic signature is a modern and convenient way of authentication and orders signing. The electronic signature is equivalent to a traditional handwritten signature.

The electronic signature consists of two integral components:

  1. Rietumu ID number (assigned to each user)
  2. Digital code that is created using identification and authorization tools (Mobile DigiPass vai Digipass)

What you can use an electronic signature for

  • Accounts opening
  • Identification in the bank by phone
  • Log in to Internet Bank
  • Documents and orders signing via Internet Banking
  • Remote use of banking products and services
  • Communication with the bank through secure communication channels
  • Confirmation of card payments (3D Secure)

How to get a Rietumu Bank’s electronic signature

You can sign an Electronic Signature Agreement in the following ways:

For the new customers, who have signed an Electronic Signature Agreement remotely and previously have not been identified by a bank employee, an automatically controlled limit on outgoing payments is set in the amount of 500 000 EUR. The calculation of the limit takes into account the turnover of outgoing payments of the electronic signature's user. When the limit is reached, the electronic signature is switched to the viewing mode without the right to perform transactions on the account. To restore full access and withdraw the limit it is necessary to visit the bank in person.

Detailed information on the procedure for concluding an Electronic Signature Agreement can be obtained from the Customer Support Service by phone +371 67025555 or from your personal manager.

How to start using your electronic signature

Mobile DigiPass installation

After the signing of the Electronic Signature Agreement, verification of the email address and mobile phone number, you will receive:

  1. Rietumu ID number to the verified mobile phone number
  2. Link to your Mobile DigiPass installation to the verified email

Instructions for Mobile DigiPass installation and usage Mobile Digipass


  • Installation link is only valid for 72 hours
  • Mobile Digipass is installed once and only on one device
  • Reinstalling Mobile Digipass, uninstalling iRietumu HD (App Store) or iRietumu (Google Play) application, resetting the device to factory settings may make it impossible to use Mobile Digipass in the future.

If you are already an electronic signature’s user, you can also order additional identification and authorization tools – an additional Mobile DigiPass or a physical Digipass calculator by filling out an Identification and Autorisation Tools Issue/Blocking Order through the iRietumu Internet Bank or by visiting the bank in person.

Rules for the safe use of identification and authorisation tools and remote work with the bank:

  • To ensure the confidentiality and security of access to your accounts and information, never give the Rietumu ID number and identification and authorisation means to third parties
  • Do not use computers with public access (public Wi-Fi) to connect to Internet Banking
  • Carefully check your orders before signing them and only confirm those orders regarding which you are sure
  • If you suspect that the Rietumu ID number and means of identification and authorisation have become available to third parties, contact the bank immediately by phone +371 67025555.