The Speedway World Cup Qualification Round took place in Riga

29 June 2017, 10:21

The race, which took place at “Bikernieki” stadium in Riga, was won by Latvian team that now is going to take part in semi-final of Team World Cup.

Racers from Germany, Italy, France and Latvia have participated in the qualification round in Riga. Latvian team has been represented by strong sportsmen: Andrzej Lebedev, Maxim Bogdanov, Kjastas Puodzuks, Evgeniy Kostygov. Eventually our select team has gained 52 points from the possible 60, whereas judges held that Andrzej Lebedev was team’s top player this time (15 points from 15).

After this victory the select team of Latvia is going to Swedish Vдstervik, where on 4 July the second semi-final of Team World Cup takes place, and by the results of which it will be possible to judge upon the future finalists. According to experts, Latvian racers have a fair chance to come through to the final and possibly to get the Champions title. Whereas fans can only hope that Latvian competitors become the best indeed and the judges will make decision to give them Champions title.

Speedway has become one of the most popular motorsport disciplines in the world. In Latvia, it has deep traditions and more than 50 years of history. Daugavpils, the second largest city of Latvia, is a traditional centre of Latvian speedway. One of the best speedway tracks in Europe is located there. Two years ago after the reconstruction of “Bikernieki” stadium has been completed we became witnesses of speedway’s active development in Riga.

The Bank and Rietumu Charity Fund have been actively supporting the speedway during the last decade, acting as sponsors of major international competitions that take place in Latvia and also contributing to the process of youth speedway development.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]