“Soul Reflections” at Rietumu Gallery

20 February 2014, 12:00

A modern painting exhibition “Soul Reflections” of the creative duet Chaikovsky Art Studio has been opened at the Rietumu Bank Art Gallery in Riga.

Viola and Alexander Chaikovsky, who founded the creative duet Chaikovsky Art Studio, are modern Latvian painters. For many years they have been living between Latvia, Italy, Brazil and Russia.

Their life experience, impressions and feelings; all these things have found their place and are reflected in their paintings, which are created in the style of abstract expressionism and impressionism.

The painters note that their art is a mix of Renaissance philosophy where a human being is put above everything, and symbolism philosophy where a symbol created by an artist’s imagination and inspiration is considered a universal tool for comprehension of life’s secrets and individual consciousness.

Works of the Chaikovsky Art Studio provide wide opportunities for interpretation which is always individual and reflects the inner world, not only of their creators but also spectators. ‘While peering into bright spots on paintings at a certain moment you can see a specific image and a sense behind it. This is a game where the spectator has a possibility to become a first-hand participant of art.’

The painters are convinced that art lives not only on an author’s brush but also in the hearts and minds of spectators. ‘Sometimes one’s eye can say – I like it, or the heart whispers – I feel it, or even the mind can feel the presence… Art – this is a quest for something that is close to your soul – your most deep and dear part, a quest for the world which might not be seen to everybody but at the same time it might be so obvious to you. This world is your oxygen but an image on a painting is a conductor to your own world.’

When opening the exhibition, Viola Chaikovsky said, ‘Abstract painting is not always easy for perception but it carries the same message and the same ideas as traditional classical art. Times and media of expression are changing but ideas, feelings and emotions brought by an artist remain unchanged.’

Works of the Chaikovsky Art Studio are in private collections in Italy, the USA and Russia.

The “Soul Reflections” exhibition in the Rietumu Bank Gallery will last until 7 March. Admission, as usual, is free.

Location: Headquarters of the bank – Rietumu Capital Centre, 7 Vesetas St., Riga.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Recollections of Latvian Painters about Saint Petersburg – in the Rietumu Bank Art Gallery

The exposition demonstrates the impressions of young artists from their recent visit to the “Capital of the North”, organised with the support of the Peter Aven Charity Fund “Generation”.

7 February 2014, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship