Ance Gricmane’s Personal Exhibition in Rietumu Bank Gallery

8 July 2015, 12:00

"EGO" personal art exhibition by artist Ance Gricmane opened in Rietumu Bank gallery.

Ance Gricmane is a young talented Latvian artist. She obtained her B.A. degree in the Latvian Christian Academy and her Master's degree at the Latvian Academy of Arts. One year was spent by her in the framework of ERASMUS program at the Aristotle University (Greece). She also prelected at the University of Greifswald (Germany). Today she studies under a doctorate program at the Art Academy of Latvia.

Despite her young age, Ance Gricmane has already participated in many group exhibitions and organized two personal ones. Ance’s works are kept in private collections in Germany, Russia, Latvia, Great Britain, and Greece.

"EGO" collection of works is a reflection of artist’s inner experiences. According to Ance Gricmane: "The soul of each person eventually gets tired of the rapid pace of life of a body. My works are dedicated to the moments, when the soul can take a breath of fresh air and see the light".

The exhibition includes paintings and five gilded sculptures of the author. Some of the paintings contain fragments of music notes of composer Andrejs Selickis. The issue of coexistence of music and painting has always been relevant for the artist, and she confessed that the sacred music by Andrejs Selickis opened a "new door" into her subconsciousness. Therefore, to express the influence of music on creativity, Ance uses music notes graciously given to her by composer.

Artist’s works are made in a special author's style — the pictures are painted in abstract technique and combine hard lines and thin, delicate tonal chord. Other techniques used include oil painting, acrylic and watercolor, and some pictures are supplemented with real gold.

The exhibition is available until July 17; visiting hours: from 9 till 18 on weekdays.

As always – admission free

Address: central office of Rietumu bank Capital Centre, Riga, 7 Vesetas St.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

The Winners of the Media Manager of Russia Award - 2015 are designated

The Annual Award Ceremony ‘Media Manager of Russia’ will be held on July 2 in Moscow City Golf Club .

4 July 2015, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship