V.Lemport’s exhibition in Riga

30 July 2010, 12:00
An exhibition of Vladimir Lemport (1922-2001), the outstanding Russian painter, opened in Rietumu Capital Centre on 30 July 2010. It presents around 60 artworks by Lemport featuring monumentality, deep human sensations reflected in everyday life and the surrounding nature. The artworks are related mostly to 1980-90s.

This exhibition of Lemport’s works in Riga is part of the global tour Moscow – Kiev – Riga – New York – Miami – Columbus. The exposition is hosted by the arts gallery “Classics” (Moscow) and the leading Latvian bank Rietumu (Riga). It shows masterpieces from a number of corporate and private collections. All masterpieces are exhibited in Latvia for the first time.

“We have decided to support this project with great pleasure. It is an honour for us to host Lemport’s exhibition in the new headquarters of Rietumu – one of the modern and high-tech office buildings in Riga. Vladimir’s artworks are bright, spectacular and really distinctive, although fans of plastic arts outside Russia are not quite familiar with it. I am convinced that the exhibition will be a pleasant and unforgettable revelation for them”, notices Alexander Gafin, member of Rietumu Bank’s Supervisory Board.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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