eCom21 Speaker: There is a Promising Future for Baltic Countries in E-commerce

2 October 2015, 12:00

According to the authoritative Scandinavian expert Sпmon Saneback, who will take part in the eCom21 conference in Riga, “There is every indication that the Baltic countries adopt experiences of their Nordic neighbours and will reap the benefits of their investments in e-commerce in a few years.”

Sïmon Saneback is the leading Scandinavian expert who has played a decisive role in establishment of a number of startups which are now recognised leaders in the global e-commerce industry.

At the international conference eCom21, which will take place in Riga on 19 - 20 November, Mr Saneback will share his vision regarding the revolutionary role of mobile devices in the development of the modern payment industry. The organiser of this forum is traditionally Rietumu Bank – the leader in providing services for e-commerce in Baltic countries.

According to Sïmon Saneback, “E-commerce has matured and is becoming an obvious growing mainstream business in many countries across the globe, especially in the Nordic region. The pace of growth in the Nordics has been tremendous. This has put the region in the front seat, even despite the fact that online sales still account for a minimal portion of the total retail volume. Having said that, the customer behaviour is changing rapidly. Customers nowadays want simplicity, security and transparency. It is therefore important that e-retailers and e-payment suppliers can keep pace with the customer demands in order to survive!”

He also noted that, “Seeing a strong trend where omni-channel is reshaping the retail industry and forcing the provision of a seamless shopping experience across all channels, customers expect to get the same experience regardless of which device or channel they interact with. Mobile or desktop. Online or offline. This has created a huge innovation force especially within online payments that for example has placed my hometown Stockholm right after Silicon Valley as the second most prolific tech hub around the globe.”

In the expert’s opinion, “There is every indication that the Baltic countries, including Latvia, adopt experiences of their Nordic neighbours. A number of initiatives for creating a favourable business climate for startups are implemented here, targeting stimulation of development of technologies in general, and e-commerce and e-payment in particular. Innovative companies who dare disrupting their industries will not only be clear winners, but also help e-retailers to become more profitable and drive the industry in the right direction. Therefore, I am absolutely convinced that countries like Latvia will reap the benefits of their investment in a few years,” said Sïmon Saneback.

eCom21 is the largest international forum in the Baltic countries regarding online businesses. Hundreds of participants from the Baltic countries, Central, Eastern and Western Europe, the CIS, Asia and other regions of the world visit this conference annually.

The subject of this conference is “eCom21 – Processing. Acceptance of Payments. E-commerce Evolution.” Forum participants will discuss perspectives of new payment institutions operating online, as well as the changing role of banks in the modern word of electronic payment services.

The general partner of eCom21 is the international provider of payment solutions ECommPay; information partners are the Russian media holding company RBC and the financial portal

Further information about the forum can be obtained on the website of the conference .

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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