Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund is almost two years old

19 August 2009, 12:00

In August, Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund will be two years old. During this time, the Fund worked intensively supporting numerous projects in children healthcare, arts and culture, as well as in other realms aimed at helping unprotected layers of society.

This year, the Fund has expanded its activity both quantitatively and geographically. The number of project applications increases every day and most of them are really crucial, therefore, the amount of implemented projects grows either – there will be almost 100 of them this year in comparison to 77 projects last year. Geographically, projects now spread to the most distant regions of Latvia.

Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund has never aimed at supporting the largest possible number of projects. Projects’ quality coupled with real benefits they bring to the society at large and particular individuals have always been the core criteria. This especially relates to realms, where municipal and state programmes have not managed to provide their help yet.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]