“Identification” by Darya Kotlyarova at Rietumu Gallery

9 July 2019, 13:03
The “Identification” exhibition of the modern and talented Moscow painter Darya Kotlyarova has opened at Rietumu Bank gallery.

The exposition presents her works created during the last five years and united in a single conceptional cycle.

“The “Identification: project was conceived by me as an attempt to fix my considerations on the role and place of a person in the surrounding world in the form of visual images,” said Darya Kotlyarova about her concept.

As the painter said at the vernissage, some of the works for this exposition were presented by their current owners, who live in different parts of the world. This allowed a full completed artistic project named “Identification” to be presented in the form it was initially conceived by the author.

“Within the framework of the project, the works are united in a single visual row and are placed in a certain order, inside which they are divided into diptychs. The focus of attention is directed to analysing the contraposition and interrelation between the pair of characters. Nevertheless, each painting has its own name and bears an independent message, both inside the project and beyond it,” said Darya Kotlyarova, explaining her creative idea.

The author of the project says that “the precise graphic technique of the artistic language intentionally underlines the decorative principle of building an image of each work. The vanishing features of realism give way to the artistic principles of expressive symbolism. It is the symbolic meaning in the “Identification” project that plays the role of a tonometer.

Darya Kotlyarova is a graduate of the Surikov Moscow State Academic Art Institute. She is a member of the Moscow Union of Artists and teaches in the art studio of the State Tretyakov Gallery.

The artist participated in painting interiors of Orthodox churches in Russia and Croatia – the Church of Righteous John the Russian in Moscow and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Zagreb.

Paintings of Darya Kotlyarova can be found in museums of Russia and the USA, as well as in numerous private collections in Italy, France, the USA, Serbia, Croatia and, certainly, Russia.

The exhibition at Rietumu Gallery is open until 26 July. It can be attended on weekdays from 9:00 am till 6:00 pm. As always, admission is free.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

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