The Speedway World Cup Qualification Round will take place in Riga

22 June 2017, 12:55

The competition in the capital of Latvia is organized with the support of the Rietumu Bank, which for many years has contributed to the development of this popular sport in Latvia.

The qualification round for the World Cup will be attended by teams from Germany, Italy, France and Latvia.

The team of Latvia is represented by strong sportsmen: Andrzej Lebedev, Maxim Bogdanov, Kjastas Puodzuks, Evgeniy Kostygov. According to experts, under favourable circumstances, they have every chance of defeating their competitors and qualifying to participate at the Speedway World Cup Final Tournament, and in the future, perhaps even to win the World Cup Champion title.

Speedway has become one of the most popular motorsport disciplines in the world. In Latvia, it has deep traditions and more than 50 years of history.

Daugavpils, the second largest city of Latvia, is a traditional centre of the Latvian speedway. One of the best speedway tracks in Europe is located there. After the reconstruction of the “Bikernieki” stadium was completed two years ago, the speedway began to develop actively in Riga.

The current competition will be the biggest large-scale motorcycle race held in recent years in Bikernieki, so residents and guests of Latvia’s capital will have every opportunity to assess the potential of this track.

The Bank and the Rietumu Charity Foundation have been actively supporting the speedway in the last decade, acting as a sponsor of major international competitions that take place in Latvia and also helping to develop the youth speedway.

The Speedway World Cup Qualification Round will begin at the "Bikernieki" stadium on 25 June at 4 p.m.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
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