Rietumu Charity Fund finances renovation of P.Jurjans Music School building

1 March 2010, 12:00
Chairman of Rietumu Charity Fund’s Council Arkady Suharenko and the mayor of Riga Nil Ushakov visited the Music School of P.Jurjans. This historical wooden building will be renovated through the Fund’s donations.

The site dating back to 1910 is a typical building for Pardaugava side of the Daugava River, and now is in need of quality renovation. The City Council of Riga offered Rietumu Charity Fund to finance renovation of the school building. The Fund accepted the offer and raised LVL 100 thousand lats for renovation purposes.

“We must support this project. Without financing today, there will be no professional musicians tomorrow. It is already the second collaborative project with the Council of Riga. The first project – children playground in Mezhapark – was successfully implemented in 2008; the Fund financed purchase of rides and equipment. We hope that the new project will also become as much important and useful for Riga”, notes chairman of Rietumu Charity Fund’s Council Arkady Suharenko.

Rietumu Charity Fund was founded in 2007. Core priorities are social projects aimed at disadvantaged society groups, arts and culture. In 2009, the Fund supported around 100 projects raising LVL 270 thousand.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
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E-mail: [email protected]