Rietumu Bank’s charity fund raised lvl 500 000 for aid projects last year

3 February 2009, 12:00

In 2008, Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund reviewed more than 500 project applications in health- and childcare, education, arts and culture. Eventually, the Fund implemented 77 projects and raised LVL 500 000 in total.

Rietumu Bank’s Charity fund was founded in August 2007. By the end of 2008, the total amount of incoming donations exceeded LVL 1.3 million, the largest part of which was contributed by Rietumu Bank.

“2008 was very successful for the Fund, not only in terms of the sponsorship scale, which was really outstanding, and the quantity of the supported projects, but also in its wide geography – the projects were implemented in almost all regions of Latvia, starting from Liepaja and Ventspils to Valka and Rezekne. One of the greatest achievements of ours is that many people in Latvia are now aware of the Fund and are submitting their projects – the number of applications progressively increases,” said Inga Shina, Chairman of the Charity Fund Board.

This year, Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund plans to maintain the scale of sponsorship, find and review new projects, focusing on priority societal and cultural problems.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]