RAM experts: monetary policy is a key factor that influences financial markets

18 August 2016, 12:00
Experts from the Rietumu group have announced the Rietumu Asset Management investment funds profitability review for July. It includes an analysis of key economic indicators, monetary policy, global stock markets, bonds and currency markets, as well as expert’s comments.

“Most asset classes showed growing trend in July. Investors enjoyed positive economic surprises in the USA and Europe throughout this month. Major central banks took a wait-and-see approach. As a result, many assets gained as investors reassessed timing of monetary policy normalization. The FOMC left interest rate unchanged citing growing uncertainty in the world due to the “Brexit”. The ECB took observer position and also left key interest rate unchanged”, note the experts.

“Currently, the monetary policy is a key factor that influences financial markets. However, July may appear to be the month, when market’s focus will start to shift towards fiscal policy”, consider experts.

It’s also said, that China showed better than expected economy growth in the second quarter of 2016. Meanwhile the U.S. economy growth in the second quarter was worse than expected. However, the decline seems to be temporary, and improvements are expected in the next quarter. Traditionally, corporate America starts to provide information about financial performance at the end of July. Earnings of already reported companies positively surprised investors.

The RAM review and latest expert comments can be read here.

Rietumu Asset Management (RAM) is part of Rietumu Bank, the leading private bank in Latvia. The company provides professional asset management services. RAM’s products and services are intended for a wide range of investors and are designed to meet the specific demands and needs of each customer. In the current market conditions, RAM’s specialists offer their customers the ability to reach an effective yield to risk ratio.

DISCLAIMER: This overview (including any attachment (-s)) does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or invitation of any kind to buy, sell or redeem any financial instruments or to conclude and/or to perform other transactions of any kind. The authors of the information presented in this overview, as well as JSC “Rietumu Asset Management" IMF, registered in the Commercial Register of Republic of Latvia on January 29, 2014, registration number 40103753360, legal address: 7 Vesetas Street, Riga, LV-1013, Latvia, hereinafter referred to as “RAM” , both together and individually, are not liable for possible use of the information presented in this overview, including any direct or indirect damages (including lost profits), as well as any penalties. Evaluations, opinions and forecasts presented in this overview are based solely on the RAM’s specialists' conclusions regarding financial instruments and issuers considered in this overview. While the information contained in this overview is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, the RAM does not guarantee its accuracy and completeness. Any of your investment decision should be fully based on your assessment of your personal financial circumstances and investment objectives. The RAM draws your attention to the fact that transactions in the securities and financial instruments market involve risk and require appropriate knowledge and experience.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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