SPEAR’S Russia magazine edited by Alexander Gafin was awarded restigious Russian prize

20 July 2011, 12:00

Russian publishing house MEDIACRAT and company PBWM Media, who publish SPEAR’S Russia Magazine and own web-portal PBWM.ru, were awarded prestigious national prize “Media-manager in Russia 2011”. Editor-in-chief of SPEAR’S Russia is Alexander Gafin, Member of Rietumu Bank’s Council.

The prize in nomination “For successful management of specialized media projects” is awarded for success of SPEAR’S magazine and web-portal RBWM.ru, which in a very short time became the most authoritative and influential media for private banking & wealth management professionals and clients.

“Media Manager in Russia 2011” prize is being awarded for more that 10 years; over the years among those receiving the prize were the best Russian publications, editors and top-managers of the mass-media industry. The prize is unique in a way that candidates are nominated and evaluated by the participants of the industry, not external experts.

SPEAR’S Russia – Russian version of one of the most authoritative and influential British magazines for high-net-worth individuals.  The magazine specializes in news of private banking & wealth management industry, discusses successful investment decisions, taxation of capital, gives suggestions in family’s wealth management, etc.

PBWM.ru – the first Russian internet-portal that specializes on private banking services and wealth management. The project is being realized in cooperation with wealthbriefing.com – one of the best English-speaking portals being used by bankers and financial managers all over the world – from New-York and London to Tokyo and Singapore.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]