Rietumu joins 3D Secure system

21 August 2013, 12:00
Please be informed that for the purpose of increasing the safety and reliability of internet payments, as well as for the sake of customers’ data protection Rietumu Bank implemented the 3D Secure ( Verified by Visa/ MasterCard Secure Code) security standard of international payment systems.

At present, 3D Secure is the latest technical solution which provides the highest level of safety for online shopping. This is reached due to an additional step of authorisation – further on, when making online transactions, apart from entering the standard information (card’s number, name of the card holder, etc.), it will also be required to provide one’s Rietumu ID and a one-time password from the Digipass pendant.

If required, you can temporarily suspend the 3D Secure check for three transactions. For this you will have to contact the bank by phone.

A consultation and replies to your queries can be obtained at the banks’ Information Service by phone +371 67025555.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]