Representative of Rietumu Bank Has Attended a Seminar on Eurasian Cooperation in Beijing

2 May 2016, 17:10

This forum, with the participation of politicians, representatives of state authorities and large enterprises from a number of European and Asian countries, was held in the capital of China for two weeks. Its organiser was the Academy of International Business (AIBO) of the Ministry of Trade of China.

The delegation which took part in the seminar included representatives of the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Georgia, Latvia and a number of countries bordering China.

A wide range of topical issues for the development of business cooperation of the Eurasian continent countries with China was discussed, this country being not only one of the most influential world powers, but also the biggest exporter. Among the issues discussed were: prospects of international trade and investments, establishment of the most favourable zones for the development of businesses, transport and logistics, the development of infrastructure, telecommunications, etc.

According to Sergey Zakharov, “China at present is interested in the development of infrastructure in all regions via which cargoes from this country flow – from the north of Europe up to Africa. The country has opportunities for the required investments, as well as qualified staff for the implementation of such infrastructural projects abroad. Undoubtedly, such proposals can present serious interest for China’s neighbours, as well as more distant countries of the Eurasian continent. All of these will contribute to the further development of international trade and will help to increase its rates and accelerate the flow of goods.

As a bank, which is the most active participant of the trade finance market in the Baltics, we can only welcome such ideas. This is also a positive moment for our clients who conduct business both on the Eurasian continent and beyond.”

The global project of the transport and transit infrastructure development was named “One Belt and One Road Initiative”. It is assumed that its implementation will allow the modern Great Silk Route, which connects China with all its biggest trade partners, to be brought to a new level. Within the framework of the project, construction and reconstruction of roads, customs warehouses, harbour berths, terminals, transport junctions, power stations, social significance objects and other important elements of infrastructure are planned.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]