On processing of payment orders

17 June 2013, 12:00
Dear customers,

Please pay attention to the Rietumu Bank requirements regarding the execution of payment orders, and namely the completion of the field 'Purpose of Payment'.

This field requires an indication of the full and precise purpose of a transaction.

For payments of a commercial nature, one must indicate:

1. the number and date of the document pursuant to which a transaction is performed (agreement, invoice, shipment document, etc.);
2. a detailed description of the commodity or service the payment is being made for.

In the event of a payment according to a loan agreement, provide the number and date of the loan agreement, its purpose, term and interest rate.

For payment in Russian roubles, additionally provide:
1. the currency operation code;
2. the VAT amount, or an indication that the service is not VAT taxable.

Payments which are not in conformity with the aforementioned criteria may be declined by the Bank or any of the authorised correspondent banks.

Thank you for understanding.
Faithfully, Rietumu Banka

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]