Results of eCom21: Fresh Ideas and New Contacts

28 November 2013, 12:00

The e-commerce conference eCom21, which has been held over these days, has allowed new business contacts to be established and original ideas for development to be found – this was noted following the results of the forum by its participants. They have also highly evaluated the topical subjects of the conference reports on the practical nuances of online business.

The second international conference eCom21, which is traditionally organised by Rietumu Bank, was held in Riga on 21 and 22 November. This biggest forum in the Baltic states, dedicated to topical trends and practical issues of e-commerce, has gathered together about 500 participants from 25 countries – the CIS, Europe and other regions of the world.

The general partner of the conference was the global provider of online payments ECommPay. As traditionally, the conference was also supported by the leader of the instant payments market QIWI and the biggest telecommunication operator in Latvia Lattelecom.

As the Chairman of the Board of QIWI Group Andrey Romanenko noted upon completion of the forum, “The organisers have created all the required conditions for comfortable cooperation between the conference participants. This platform has fully provided interested parties, not only with topical information, but also with a possibility to hold preliminary negotiations. I am sure that this year many participants of eCom21 have established new contacts and have found new partners.”

According to the participants, the range of the selected subjects has allowed their knowledge about the situation on the international market of e-commerce to be extended and it has turned out to be useful for their further work and collaboration with clients. They specially noted the broad possibilities arranged by the eCom21 organisers for informal communication – beyond the framework of reports and presentations. As the delegates noted, this allowed the possibility to establish useful contacts and partner’s relations, exchange experience with colleagues and find new clients.

Some participants of the current eCom21 have already informed of their intention to become sponsors, partners and speakers of the conference next year.

Head of the eCom21 Organisation Committee, First Vice-president of Rietumu Bank Ruslan Stecyuk, summarising the results of the forum noted, “Positive evaluations of the participants are the chief indicator of the success of the conference. Initially our goal was to organise a forum which would help our clients and other entrepreneurs to establish and expand their online business, to find fresh ideas, to find out about important trends in legislation, taxation and technologies, and to get acquainted with their foreign colleagues. We are pleased that for a second year in succession already, our efforts have brought a tangible result, and Riga, which has the indisputable status of the regional business centre, is becoming the capital of the Baltics in the sphere of high technologies as well. I hope that next year the tradition of holding an international forum will be continued here.”

The eCom21 conference was the venue for discussing topical tendencies and prospects of e-commerce market development, novelties in the area of international legislation and regulation of this business, taxation issues, technological innovations, fraud prevention, trends in the field of payment development, specifics of the use of search systems, modern models of participation and partnership in online gambling and other issues.

Among the speakers of the forum, there were representatives of the leading international payment systems VISA and MasterCard, regulatory bodies of the European jurisdictions which are popular among online entrepreneurs – Malta, British Overseas Territories, Cyprus and Latvia; leading specialists and managers of global legal and auditing companies; developers of IT solutions and platforms for e-commerce; top managers of European and Russian companies on servicing online payments; other corporate participants and experts – in total, about 50 speakers from different countries.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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