Gurus of World Online Businesses Will Hold Speeches at «eCom21» in Riga

10 September 2015, 12:00

Among the speakers who have confirmed their participation in the conference are the Executive Director of Bitcoin Foundation Jon Matonis, the Scandinavian guru of online business Simon Sanebak, the Vice-President of Alfa-Bank Igor Arefyev and other recognized figures.

The invariable organiser of the forum Rietumu Bank.

«eCom21» is the biggest thematic forum in the Baltic States which annually gathers hundreds of professionals of online businesses and entrepreneurs from other industries who develop this challenging trend.

The subject of this conference is “Processing. Acceptance of Payments. E-commerce Evolution.” Participants of the forum will discuss the latest tendencies in the world market of e-payment services, including opportunities and issues related to the appearance of a new formation – non-banking payment structures operating in the online environment and becoming increasingly more competitive with traditional banks.

According to Executive Director of «eCom21» Ilya Shevchenko, “Last year we made an important first step: we thoroughly studied and discussed the history of appearance, stages of establishment and perspectives of development of the entire spectrum of e-money, starting from traditional prepaid cards and up to the currently exotic crypto-currencies. The time has come to discuss the future of the entire industry of e-payments.”

Executive Director of Bitcoin Foundation Jon Matonis, whose speech enjoyed great success at last year’s Riga conference, will speak about the growing role of crypto-currencies in the evolution of the world of e-payments.

The leading Scandinavian expert Sïmon Saneback, who has played a decisive role in the establishment of a number of startups now recognised as leaders of the global e-commerce industry, will share his vision regarding the revolutionary role of mobile devices in the development of the modern payment industry with the forum participants.

According to Sïmon Saneback, “The mobile revolution has entailed the death of the traditional e-commerce we are used to. The growing popularity of smartphones, tablets and wearable technologies is turns the e-payments industry upside down and promises much more interesting changes.”

The issues of interaction between banks and non-banking credit organisations will be raised by the Vice-President and Head of the E-commerce Directorate of Alfa-Bank Igor Arefyev, as well as the founder and General Director of the international system of e-payments PayOnline Marat Abasaliev; speeches of other experts and top managers of big companies engaged in e-commerce are also planned.

The conference in Riga last year was attended by more than 450 guests from the Baltic States, Central, Eastern and Western Europe, the CIS, Asia and other parts of the world. In total over 30 countries were represented. Speakers at the conference included leading professionals of the industry, representatives of payment systems, public regulators, the biggest auditing companies, lawyers, IT specialists and other experts.

The forum organiser – Rietumu Bank – is a leader in e-commerce services in the Baltic States.

The general partner of «eCom21» is EСommPay – the international provider of payment solutions.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Payment to the VISA or MasterCard of Any Bank Worldwide

Starting from today, Rietumu Bank clients may remit funds to VISA and MasterCard cards, issued by any bank of any country.

9 September 2015, 12:00 Products & Services