RAM Funds Have Completed 2016 with Stable Growth

19 January 2017, 12:00
All Rietumu Asset Management (RAM) investment funds have shown positive dynamics over the past year. The highest growth has been demonstrated by the High Yield (+ 15.58%) and Global Equity (+ 15.12%) funds.

These are the results published in the December review of the RAM investment funds.

As noted in the management commentaries, the key events for the financial markets in December were another increase of the key interest rate of the US FRS and the extension of the quantitative easing programme by ECB.

According to RAM experts, despite of the fact that the main central banks of the world are moving in different directions, by the end of 2017 a certain convergence of their policies may be expected, which will result in a further increase of the interest rates both in America and Europe.

As noted in the review, "FRS raised the key rate for the second time in the past decade. The Central Bank forecasts three such raises in 2017. This prediction contrasted with expectations on financial markets that resulted in a better yield of financial debt instruments."

Experts also noted that this December was an extremely favourable period for the financial sector of the United States. Bank and financial institutions stocks grew on the promises of Donald Trump to deregulate the sector and expectations of profit growth (due to the increase of the interest rate).

The tightening of monetary policy has led to strengthening the dollar, which had a negative affect on commodity prices. At the same time, leading commodity sector companies continued to grow in value due to optimism of investors who put high hopes on the economic programme of the new President of the United States.

The focus of attention on the political scene in Europe in December were elections in Austria, where radical forces were defeated, as well as the resignation of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, who was unable to carry out the required reforms.

In the short term, as experts emphasise, these are possible changes in geopolitics that remain the main risk factor for financial markets.

Rietumu Bank Asset Management (RAM) forms a part of the Rietumu Bank Group. The company provides professional capital management services. RAM products and services are intended for a wide range of investors and are designed to meet the specific demands and needs of each client. In the current market conditions, RAM experts offer their clients a possibility to achieve an effective ratio of profitability and risks.

DISCLAIMER: This overview (including any attachment (-s)) does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or invitation of any kind to buy, sell or redeem any financial instruments or to conclude and/or to perform other transactions of any kind. The authors of the information presented in this overview, as well as JSC “Rietumu Asset Management" IMF, registered in the Commercial Register of Republic of Latvia on January 29, 2014, registration number 40103753360, legal address: 7 Vesetas Street, Riga, LV-1013, Latvia, hereinafter referred to as “RAM” , both together and individually, are not liable for possible use of the information presented in this overview, including any direct or indirect damages (including lost profits), as well as any penalties. Evaluations, opinions and forecasts presented in this overview are based solely on the RAM’s specialists' conclusions regarding financial instruments and issuers considered in this overview. While the information contained in this overview is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, the RAM does not guarantee its accuracy and completeness. Any of your investment decision should be fully based on your assessment of your personal financial circumstances and investment objectives. The RAM draws your attention to the fact that transactions in the securities and financial instruments market involve risk and require appropriate knowledge and experience.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Changes in deposit rates

18 January 2017, 12:00 Products & Services