New service – currency conversion by phone

25 August 2009, 12:00

All Rietumu Bank’s customers, who transferred to the new customer identification system Rietumu ID, can now avail of a new service – currency conversion by phone.

The service allows to convert funds held on an account in any currency into Latvian lats, US dollars and euro.

In order to make a currency conversion, it is necessary to contact Rietumu Bank’s round-the-clock information centre by phone +371 67025555 (currency conversion orders are executed any time except four-hour break from 9 pm to 1 am). Daily limit of a single transaction is EUR 1000.

We would also like to remind that all holders of Rietumu ID can transfer funds from their current to card accounts and vice versa, as well as from the current accounts to savings and investment accounts by phone.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]