eCom21 International Conference Has Opened in Riga

14 November 2012, 12:00

Today in Riga the eCom21 international conference devoted to practical aspects of e-commerce activities opened. The forum is arranged under the patronage of the biggest private bank in Latvia – Rietumu Bank.

Rietumu Bank President Alexander Pankov

The business forum, which is held in the Latvian capital city and which is the most wide-scale e-com event in the Baltic Region, has brought together more than 250 participants from 20 countries. Among these are company owners and CEOs from Russia and other CIS countries, Europe, the USA, Israel, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other regions.

The partners of eCom21 are the world leader of the instant payment market QIWI, and the Russian processing company PayOnline. Among forum delegates are professional participants of the e-com market, lawyers and experts in tax legislation, representatives of European and Russian banks, investment, audit and service companies, hotel and transport businesses, financial advisors, and journalists.

Today more than 10 speakers, representing recognized brands in the field of servicing internet transactions, acquisitions, and financial service, will give their presentations to eCom21 participants, including: top managers from Visa Europe, MasterCard, QIWI Group, PayOnline and PayFair processing companies, Rietumu Bank and others.

The agenda encompasses issues of development, licensing and regulation of the electronic payment market, organisation of the structure and business management in the field of e-commerce based on European trade accounts, usage of electronic money, as well as the comparative analysis of the legislative basis of e-commerce in the EU and Russia.

As Rietumu Bank President Alexander Pankov said when opening the forum: “More than half a year ago, Rietumu Bank came forward with the idea of arranging a business forum in the capital of Latvia devoted to e-commerce development. Such a thought originated from our own practice, as well as interest in this issue on the part of our clients and partners. Many supported this idea at once, and today are present in this hall. I am sure that we will find new areas of common interest, and will continue cooperation in this promising direction.”

The Head of the eCom21 Organisation Committee, First Vice-President of Rietumu Bank Ruslan Stecyuk, emphasised: “When preparing the forum, we were pleasantly surprised by the high interest of the professional community in the subjects and issues of e-commerce development. We tried to make the conference very much focused and maximally close to the practical work. We have also succeeded in selecting a very sound team of speakers to maximally fully and comprehensively cover the declared subject, so that all participants feel interest and benefit from it, from the very first minute to the last.”

Head of the board of Directors, QIWI Group Andrey Romanenko, addressing eCom21 delegates, noted that the big plus of this conference is the participation of e-commerce business representatives from both East and West. “Latvia is very conveniently located at the crossroads of Russia and Europe. In both regions e-com is developing successfully, and for entrepreneurs the exchange of experience and opportunities for personal communication provided by this forum are very significant,” said Mr. Romanenko.

The conference will continue tomorrow. Apart from the formal agenda, which includes presentations by conference speakers, workshops and discussions, a large informal programme is anticipated within the framework of eCom21, including: attending the Dinamo Riga and Ak Bars hockey match, an excursion to the Riga Stock Exchange Museum of Foreign Art, and a light show at Dome Square.

The conference is held at the Radisson Blu Latvija Hotel, in the heart of the Latvian capital city.

Mobile applications for eCom21 participants are available at AppStore and Google Play (Android Market) Access to the application is provided by the badge of the conference participant.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

On Wednesday, the eCom21 International Conference Will Open in Riga

On 14 November, Riga will be the venue for the largest conference in the Baltic Region on the topical issues of e-commerce, “eCom21”. More than 250 participants from 20 countries will attend the forum. Apart from the official agenda, the event’s programme anticipates wide opportunities for personal communication between experts and participants of the market and establishment of direct business contacts. The patron of the conference is Rietumu Bank.

13 November 2012, 12:00 Products & Services