Rietumu launches an advertising campaign in Russia

29 October 2010, 12:00
In November 2010, Rietumu launches a long-term advertising campaign in Russian and international mass media.

“This campaign is targeted not only to residents of Russia, but also to Russian-speaking entrepreneurs in other countries. We are aiming to attract attention of business people to new opportunities that have arisen for investors in Latvia as well as to offer our services for their transactions and banking operations within the EU”, says Alexander Pankov, president of Rietumu.  

It will comprise advertising on TV channels broadcasting from Moscow, press advertising – in business newspapers and magazines, radio and Internet advertising.    

The creative concept and strategy of Rietumu’s advertising campaign were worked out under supervision of Mr Alexander Gafin, member of the bank’s Supervisory Council. The main emphasis is put on the leading business, societal and political magazines in Russia, radio and TV news channels.

“We are purposefully concentrating on the most authoritative editorials among our current and prospective customers, such as Forbes and RBC magazines, as well as on 24-h TV channels specialising in news and analytics. It is a logical and effective mean to achieve our goals. Both Latvia and Russia along with many other countries have already commenced a new era of collaboration, whereas large enterprises have to be the key players”, says Alexander Gafin, member of Rietumu Bank’s Supervisory Council.

Advertising agencies McCann-Erickson Latvia and BrandBox produced media adverts for the campaign. The Latvian company Vilks Studio based in Riga, well-known in the Russian market of music videos (Zemfira, Mumiy Troll, Bi-2 and others), produced all video adverts. Ivar Kalninsh, Latvian theatre and cinema actor prominent in Russia participated in production of audio- and video materials of the campaign.

Rietumu is the largest Latvian bank with local capital. During the economic crisis, when most of the banks in Latvia suffer considerable losses, Rietumu is the ultimate industry leader in terms of profitability and effectiveness. In the first half-year of 2010, Rietumu generated 44% of the local banking sector profit.

Rietumu specialises in serving corporate customers and high-net-worth individuals. The bank has a vast experience of working with customers from Russia and other CIS countries. At present, taking advantage of the new Latvian legislation, Rietumu provides a multi-level practical assistance in obtaining a residence permit in Europe to its foreign customers.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]