Rietumu Bank Has Presented a New Edition of the Exclusive Guidebook to Latvia

19 July 2016, 12:00

Presentation of a new Rietumu Guide – the sixth edition of the popular and prestigious guidebook to Riga and Latvia has been held in Riga.

The current edition, similar to previous ones, is built according to the “friendly guidebook” principle and is focused on a specific and, at the same time, wide audience. The guidebook contains updated information on the best hotels, restaurants, beauty parlours, recreation centres and boutiques in Latvia, and about art galleries of Riga and Jurmala. The existing sections have been considerably supplemented, and a range of services and restaurants where holders of the Jurmala card can use special offers has been expanded.

For the cover of the new Guidebook, a reproduction of Alexandra Beltsova’s painting “In the Cafй” has been chosen, which was made in the mid-1930s. This painting has been in the art collection of Rietumu Bank for 10 years. It is interesting to know that the interior presented on this painting is the famous Lido restaurant, which was built in Jurmala by the Riga architect Sergey Antonov in 1930 and which existed until the early 1990s. Later this building was redesigned for apartments.

This year the Rietumu Guide was supplemented with several new sections: “Riga and Latvia for Children”, “Art Guide” and “Business Riga”. Apart from this, compilers of the guidebook focused on key events of the art season of 2016.

With account of the fact that this year is a jubilee year for Dzintari Concert Hall (the 80th anniversary!), the Guide has a small section included about its history and the most significant events since its foundation day.

Another new section of the Guide is dedicated to the subject of children. Here readers will find ideas for preparing an entertaining recreation programme, which includes attending museums, interesting routes for walks and trips with children. The useful advice and information about precautionary measures will help to spend time in maximum comfort.

The Art Guide section provides information about opportunities for cultural tourism and significant events taking place in this field. For example, about the opening of the Latvian National Museum of Art after wide-scale reconstruction, which lasted for three years. Readers are presented with updated information about permanent expositions in the best museums of the country, including Riga Bourse, Museum of Decorative Arts and Design, Arsenal Exhibition Hall and other places of no less importance.

The section devoted to out of town trips has been supplemented with a new route to Northern Vidzeme. The pearl of this region is considered to be Aluksne – one of the most remote points on the map of Latvia, the most distant from Riga.

Business Riga is a section aimed at helping guests of Latvia to have a better idea and understanding about business life in the capital city, as Riga is the place where East and West meet, from the viewpoint of geography, mentality and languages. On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the bank, more information has appeared on the pages of Business Riga about Rietumu Bank, the specifics of its service and business philosophy.

“When working on each new edition of the guidebook, we strive to make it even more interesting and useful, primarily for our friends and clients from abroad. To a certain extent, this is the original project of the bank, and through it we try to help guests of Latvia to understand its nature, to feel its enchantment, to see the best and the most interesting. Being the collective author, Rietumu bank keeps on emphasising that excellent financial service is also a visiting card of the country, similar to, for instance, Black Balsam or the unique nature of Jurmala,” says Member of the Council of Rietumu Bank Alexander Gafin.

Rietumu Guide is traditionally released during the high season in Jurmala. The guidebook is available both in printed and electronic versions. It can be downloaded from the bank’s website as an application for mobile devices.

Rietumu Guide is distributed free of charge and can be received in the best restaurants, hotels, points of sale and service of Riga and Jurmala. Clients of Rietumu Bank can also receive it in the bank.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

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15 July 2016, 12:00 Products & Services