With iRietumu – add funds round-the–clock

8 September 2011, 12:00

Bank Rietumu has shortened its end-of-the-day break for two hours for depositing funds to credit card account and funds transfers between the accounts in new internet bank iRietumu and via the phone.

Thus now you can add funds to credit cards on almost round-the-clock basis via iRietumu or phone.

End-of-the-day break will last only for 2.5 hours – form 22.00 till 0.30 GMT +2.

All the orders are accepted during the break as well and are executed right after the end of the break.

For adding or transferring funds via internet bank iRietumu and phone the identification system Rietumu ID is used.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]