Financing of export-import operations through Latvian ports

19 November 2009, 12:00
Rietumu Bank offers financing of trade operations channelled through Latvian ports – on favourable conditions to all its customers.

Nowadays Latvian ports are widely used for exporting/importing goods from/into Baltic countries and as a transit point between Western Europe, Russia and other CIS countries as well as Asia (including China). Developed transport infrastructure, terminals and warehouses for various sorts of goods, quality service – all this is part of our transit and trade climate.

Considering all strengths of this business, Rietumu Bank enlarges its short-term financing programme for companies with specialisation in export-import operations and transit of goods through Latvia.    

Our customers can avail of:

–        short-term loans (from EUR 200 thousand to EUR 2 million termed from 6 to 12 months)
–        unsecured overdrafts (10-30% of average net monthly turnover, ranging from EUR 50 thousand to EUR 1 million, termed from 3 to 6 months)
–        all related trade finance services (guarantees, letters of credit, documentary collections).

Terms of loans and overdrafts are subject to extensions given stable turnovers.

Please address all queries to your personal managers or to Rietumu Bank’s Trade Financing Division by phone + 371 67025263 (Nataly Perhova) or + 371 67025253 (Anastasia Radionova, overdraft enquiries). You are also welcome in our HQ Rietumu Capital Centre in Riga.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]