Yandex.Money: Electronic Money Has Very Good Prospects

5 November 2014, 12:00
One of the key subjects of the III International Conference on E-commerce Issues “eCom21” is the prospects for the development of electronic money in general and the future of crypto-currencies in particular.

Opinions of experts regarding the prospects for specific trends of this industry, tendencies of their evolution, possible problems, etc. differ a lot. But specialists generally agree on one thing – the e-commerce industry has some of the most powerful potential for development in the modern world.

During recent years the development of electronic money reached a new level – apart from payment cards and cash, it is widely used as an alternative channel of settlements between consumers and service providers. One of the speakers of the Riga conference, Commercial Director of Yandex.Money Dmitry Danilenko, explains that this popularity is due to flexibility and high adaptability to the needs of users of electronic currencies: “Electronic money is a flexible and convenient tool that allows its users to pay for services both online and offline.”

In the opinion of Dmitry, another factor stimulating the development of virtual currencies is the changes taking place with regard to banks in this field. If earlier they perceived electronic money systems as competitors, then recently bank organisations have started looking at electronic money as an efficient way of supplementing an account, and many internet banking systems allow money to be remitted from a bank account to ‘the electronic wallet’.

Online traders look at electronic money not only as a payment tool, but also as an efficient method of attracting new online clients. The cooperation between stores and electronic payment services is often accompanied with marketing campaigns, such as discounts, cashback, bonuses, etc. “The broader the opportunities the user has, the more prospects electronic money has for business,” noted the Commercial Director of Yandex.Money.

In spite of the fact that crypto-currencies can occupy the domineering position in the future and become a driver of the growth of the global market of electronic commerce, currently there are not sufficient conditions for the development of this trend. “At present it is meaningless to speak about the prospects for the development of crypto-currencies on the Russian market, as legislative measures with regard to them are becoming even stricter,” commented Dmitry Danilenko.

The spokesperson of Yandex.Money evaluates the eCom21 conference as an authoritative business forum, which is useful for business development and expansion of the e-commerce market, while at the same time he sees a possibility of making the Russian market more attractive and clear for foreign partners.

The eCom21 conference will be held on 13-14 November in Riga. Registration is possible until 7 November on the website

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
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