Registration for the eCom21 International Conference Has Commenced

21 July 2017, 16:51

It will be the sixth forum held in the capital of Latvia, invariably under the auspices of Rietumu Bank.

At the current eCom21, human beings will be at the centre of attention, as it is their wishes and requirements that are the main motivator of progress in the e-commerce industry. The main theme of the conference has been formulated as “E-Commerce HD2 – Homo Digitalis in High Definition”.

According to Ilya Shevchenko, the Executive Director of the Rietumu eCom21 conference, today the most important aspect - the client and their comfort and interests, are often forgotten, because the focus is on technological advancements and achievements. However, such “innovations for the sake of innovations” usually end at the point of a beautiful idea.

Participants of eCom21, together with the invited world-class experts, will discuss in detail how exactly the ability to implement a business idea in the interests of the human being distinguishes successful projects in e-commerce from unsuccessful ones.

Alongside the main theme, other important trends and issues of e-commerce will be discussed at the forum, including issues such as the rapidly developing Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, the continuing significant changes in regulation and their effect on e-commerce, prospects of emerging markets, including regions of Asia and Africa, where vigorous growth of this industry is observed.

Rietumu eCom21 is the largest international conference in the field of e-commerce in the Baltic states. It is regularly visited by hundreds of participants from the Baltic states, Central, Eastern and Western Europe, CIS countries, Asia and other regions of the world.

This forum will be held with the participation of e-commerce executives and representatives, online business owners and developers, IT system and cybersecurity specialists, IT software developers, as well as developers, top managers and leading specialists of payment systems, financial experts and marketing specialists.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]