New type of term deposit – with overdraft facility

18 May 2012, 12:00

Rietumu starts offering its customers new type of term deposits – with overdraft facility. This deposit is aimed at customers who may need to access their funds before the maturity of the deposit.

By placing the deposit with overdraft facility the customer gets an opportunity to access up to 90% of the deposit’s principal in a form of overdraft tied to his account.

While income on deposit is accrued on the entire amount of the original deposit, customer pays interest only for the amount of overdraft that is actually used.

“When offering new types of deposits we first and foremost think about the needs of our customer. Lots of people today prefer to place long-term deposits, which guarantee the highest income – during the last three years the maturity of our deposit portfolio doubled. But at the same time business people need to have flexible access to their funds and deposit with overdraft ensures such opportunity”, says Head of Term Deposit Department of Rietumu Bank Julia Grin.

Deposit with overdraft facility can be placed for the term from 3 month up to 5 years. Minimum amount of the deposit – 100 000 EUR or USD.

Rietumu also offers its customers classic term deposits, deposits with compounding interest, savings account, child’s saving account “Oxford”, subordinated deposits that allow obtaining residence permit in Latvia, etc.

For more details, please visit Savings section.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]