The Most Topical Issues of E-commerce - at the eCom21 Conference

20 November 2013, 12:00

At eCom21, the most influential and authoritative representatives of the industry will discuss subjects regarding payment solutions and platforms, data centres, acquiring, fraud prevention, data safety, SEO, etc.

The eCom21 conference will be held in Riga on 21-22 November under the patronage of Rietumu – the biggest private bank in Latvia. This will be the second year the forum has taken place and it is expected to attract around 50 speakers and over 400 participants from the Baltic countries, the CIS, Europe and the USA.

One of the central subjects of the conference will be the business related to game theory and probability. In this section, spokespersons of the industry leaders will have reports. A comprehensive analytical survey of the e-gambling market will be presented by the large British digital marketing agency Stickyeyes.

Apart from corporate participants, regulatory bodies of European jurisdictions, which are popular among online entrepreneurs – Malta, British Overseas Territories, Cyprus, Latvia, will be represented at the forum.

Reports on the practical aspects of the e-commerce market will be held by recognised developers of IT solutions and e-commerce platforms, among them being representatives of IBM, Tieto, GameOS.

The reporters will also turn to the subject of organising the ecosystem of online payments and optimisation of payment solutions. Reports on this subject are expected from representatives of leading European and Russian companies – eCommPay, PayOnline, QIWI, Optimal Payments. Apart from this, the most popular e-wallets on the Russian market will be represented at the conference – Yandex.Money, RBK Money.

Profound interest has been roused among future participants of eCom21 due to the section devoted to the topical issue of fraud prevention and data protection. A spokesperson of the large German company IRIS Analytics GmbH will talk about the possibilities of fraud prevention without detriment to the convenience of customers and a speaker from Web Shield Ltd will present a report on the issue of the risk involved in working with mobile applications; presentations will also be provided by specialists from Ethoca, BPC BankingTechnologies, Daon! and other companies.

As the Head of the eCom21 Organisation Committee, the First Vice-president of Rietumu Bank Ruslan Stecjuk noted, “Over recent days we have felt especially high interest in the conference. Dozens of new participants are registering daily. This is a stable trend which certainly pleases us – it is the best evidence that we have again succeeded in offering a topical programme and have attracted top representatives of the e-commerce market to Riga.”

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]