Latvian bank Rietumu starts online video conferences from Moscow

27 April 2011, 12:00

Rietumu offers its customers in Moscow an opportunity to contact the management and specialists of the bank in Riga via video conference system.

Professional video conference system has connected the central office of Rietumu and its representative office in Moscow.

From now on the customers of Rietumu, who are in their visit in Moscow, can attend the representative office of the bank and have negotiations with a needed specialist form Riga in the environment that is maximally close to the personal meeting.

The technical capabilities of the video conference allow discussing the business issues and correcting the documents online. The system possesses very high level of security and offers an exceptional sound and picture quality.

“Video conference – is additional service and comfort for our customers. Now every customer, being in Moscow, can almost personally meet with our specialists and have a discussion about all the issues interested in, from account service to issuing a credit line. In comparison with telephone call, not only is it more pleasant, but also much more effective way of communication”, – says the vice-president of Rietumu Vadim Alekseev.

You can book a video conference by our Moscow representative office number +7 495 725 2590.

The address of the representative office – 2 Barykovsky Lane, 3rd Floor, e-mail: [email protected].

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]