“Brands & Luxury” portfolio

“Brands & Luxury” investment basket is aiming at generating profit by investing in stocks of leading luxury goods companies, whose products have been a benchmark of quality and prestige for millions of people all over the world for decades.

Investment type Individual portfolio
Asset class Stocks (public companies with famous brands and premium goods)
Currency USD
Minimum investment amount 100 000 USD
Geographical focus Global markets
Recommended investment horizon 3 years and above
Expected return 10% and above, per annum
Subscription fee 0.35%
Management fee 1.50% per annum

“Brands & Luxury” portfolio is composed of publicly quoted stock

  • Global leaders in premium and luxury products manufacturing (e.g., LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton, Tiffany & Co, Burberry, Christian Dior, Apple, Harley-Davidson and other)
  • Companies that own globally known brand names (e.g., PepsiCo, Intel, CANON, Microsoft, Michael Kors and other)

The actual composition of the investment portfolio is defined by the portfolio managers of Rietumu Asset Management and at any point in time can consist of 25-25 stocks.