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This is the most common term deposit type, allowing for accruing fixed pay-outs that are due at the end of term.

  • Deposit terms range from 1 month to 5 years, USD - from 3 months
  • Minimum deposit amount is 5 000 EUR, USD
  • Interest pay-out at the end of term

Deposit with periodic interest repayment

By investing funds in a Term Deposit with Interest Repayment, you receive the accrued fixed interest pay-outs once a month, once in three months or with other periodicity at a customer’s convenience. This form of term deposit can serve as a reliable source of regular income.

  • Minimum deposit amount of 5 000 EUR, USD
  • Deposit terms range from 3 months to 5 years
  • Interest pay-out -- once in every 1, 3, 6, 12 month

Accumulative deposit

This type of deposit provides you with an opportunity to add funds to the deposited amount in order to increase the capital invested, thus increasing also the pay-outs at the end of term. The Term Accumulative Deposit is suitable for customers who have the possibility to deposit a part of their income regularly.

  • Deposit terms range from 3 months to 5 years
  • Minimum deposit amount of 5 000 EUR, USD
  • Minimum amount of each additional deposit capital increase: 1 000 EUR, USD
  • Interest rates for added funds are set according to the current term deposit interest rates
  • Interest pay-out at the end of term

Deposit with interest capitalisation

The term deposit with interest capitalization allows you to invest funds for a fixed period of time, and features a simultaneous compounding of monthly interests. This means that the capital in the deposit (the working asset) is increasing on a regular basis, thus the end of term pay-out will be higher.

  • Minimum deposit amount of 5 000 EUR, USD
  • Deposit terms range from 3 months to 5 years
  • Interests added to principal monthly, pay-out at the end of term

Subordinated Loans

This type of deposit has a number of features that allow receiving a higher return, on one hand, but set some significant limitations in relation to early deposit withdrawals. Minimum term of this deposit is 5 years. In addition, the subordinated loan entitles citizens of foreign countries to get a residence permit in Latvia.

  • Loans available in EUR
  • Loan term – 5 or 7 years
  • The loan agreement is non-terminable throughout its term
  • Minimum loan amount: 100 000 EUR
  • Minimum loan amount to get a residence permit in Latvia: 300 000 EUR
  • Interest pay-out once in half-year

Сhild's savings deposit "Oxford"

The bank’s new savings programme, which allows to accumulate and secure funds for your child’s first steps in individual life, such as obtaining a university degree, purchase of a real estate or starting-up a business. The deposit can be opened anytime starting from the child’s birth until he comes of age. You can also add funds to the deposited amount to increase pay-outs at the end of term.

  • The account currencies: EUR
  • Minimal amount for interest accrual: 5000 EUR
  • Minimum single instalment amount 500 EUR
  • Your child is a legal owner of the deposit. Access to the deposit account is limited – the deposit amount along with accrued interest can be paid off only to your child once he/she comes of age1
  • Interest pay-out: at maturity.

* Interest rates indicated in the table are annual