VI Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art Is Starting

16 September 2015, 12:00
Shortly, the VI Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art will start. In anticipation of the Biennale, a wide-scale advertising campaign is being organised, conducted by Rietumu Bank – the general partner of the event.

Within the framework of the information campaign, special advertising clips are launched on leading Russian channels RBC TV and Russia 24. In cooperation with Business FM Radio, a number of exclusive materials will be released in the form of portrait sketches about the brightest artists, researchers and trustees of the VI Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art. In early September, a special project was launched on the basis of social networks Facebook and VK (VKontakte) – Rietumu Around Art. It is a kind of a guidebook on the most topical news of the event and contemporary art in general.

On 17 September, a press briefing, organised by Rietumu Bank jointly with Triumph Gallery, will be held in Moscow. Its venue is Moscow Manege, 1 Manege Square, Conference Hall. Speakers at the briefing are: Dmitry Khankin – the founder of Triumph Gallery, Alexander Gafin – Member of the Supervisory Council of Rietumu Bank, Joseph Backstein – the Commissioner of the Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Irina Gordina – Deputy General Director of VDNKh, as well as artists Dmitry Gustov, Vladimir Potapov and Tatyana Arzamasova. Following the press briefing, a tour to the exhibition platforms will take place.

The Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art is a wide-scale international art event which will be held for the sixth time. The invited guests, within the framework of master classes and discussions, will consider the most important issues of the modern time, will present their picture of the world and will try to find an answer to the key question of the Biennale, which coincides with the subject of its main project: “How shall we live together? View from the City Centre in the Very Heart of the Eurasian Island.” This year, three remarkable persons will be the trustees of the Biennale: Bart De Baere from Belgium, Defne Ayas from Turkey and Nicolaus Schafhausen from Germany. Such concentration of international specialists will allow for forecasting a stunning success of the event.

The participation of Rietumu Bank, which specialises in international and cross-border operations, in the biggest international exhibition is logical. Rietumu Bank is well-known as an active patron of the arts, supports a huge number of cultural, sport and educational events in Latvia and, with this project, expands the geographical territory of the projects to which it provides material support. The ability to think, without restricting oneself within borders and stereotypes – this is what brings together and unites Rietumu Bank and the contemporary world art.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Annual Contest “Our Search for the Best Nurse” Is Starting

The contest patroness is the First Lady of Latvia, Iveta Vejone.

10 September 2015, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship