Golden Mask Actors Planted Sakura in Riga

29 October 2019, 11:08

Last Friday, Russian artists, who arrived to the festival Golden Mask in Latvia, planted a tree in Riga, following the established tradition.

This time, the Kanzan sakura, which grows in Japan, Korea and China, was chosen. In spring, this sakura flourishes with admirable lush pink flowers, maturing to tasty small cherries in summer.

The place for planting the sakura was chosen on the bank of the City Channel, in Kronvalda Park, not far from the Chinese pagoda.

Under the guidance of experienced gardeners, this sakura was carefully planted by actors of the Tovstonogov Bolshoi Drama Theatre from Saint Petersburg, together with partners of the Golden Mask.

A wonderful tradition of planting trees, which reminds one of the importance of making good things and bringing beauty to the world, was started by the Golden Mask in 2012.

During this period, 15 new trees have appeared in parks of the Latvian capital city – golden-leaved willows, acacias, apple trees and black alder. Let these trees and the newly planted sakura please the residents and guests of Riga for many years ahead!

Rietumu Bank has been supporting the Golden Mask in Latvia throughout 14 years, since the very start of this festival.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

With the Support of Rietumu, the Exhibition of Aleksandra Belcova Is Held

An exhibition of the renowned Latvian artist Aleksandra Belcova has opened in the Latvian National Museum of Art. The exhibition is held with the support of Rietumu Bank’s Charity Fund.

17 October 2019, 13:29 Charity & Sponsorship