The training classes for the young goalkeepers of Vladislav Tretiak are held for the sixth time in Riga.

29 June 2015, 12:00

Master classes for young hockey players in Riga and Jurmala are traditionally supported by Rietumu Bank.

In the past, master classes of the International School of Goalkeepers besides Latvia were also held in Russia and Canada, where they were very popular and made special mention of the hockey professionals in the world. Several years ago, Vladislav Tretiak, often staying and living in Latvia in summer, made up his mind to focus on his coaching young hockey players in Riga.

Thus currently the training classes of the Riga School of goalkeepers are a unique opportunity to get the lessons from a star of the world hockey and every year they attract about 50 young hockey players from every corner of the globe. This year Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Germany, France, Spain, and Japan are presented at the School.

Vladislav Tretiak in person and the titled veterans of the Latvian hockey such as Andrejs Zagars and Sergejs Naumovs, who previously defended the net of the Latvia’s national team, coach the young hockey players.

‘The students and organizers of the School receive Vladislav Tretiak in Latvia with a great delight. We are grateful to him that every summer he, despite his overall loading and many responsibilities, finds an opportunity to devote a week of his time to the School and its students. The importance and benefit of such training classes are very high in terms of not only physical training, but also human relations.

Again, I want to express my gratitude and confidence that this magnificent project will continue. All the more so that it is already bringing visible results’, - said …Andrejs Zagars.

The intense training schedule is traditionally provided for the participants of the sports camp: theoretical lectures and training on the ice and on the ‘ground’ - four classes a day, from early morning to late evening. The training classes will be held in the Riga ice sports complex, as well as outdoors at the seaside.

According to the organizers, the popularity of the Riga School of goalkeepers is growing every year, and many of its members come here year after year. Among the graduates of the Riga School of goalkeepers are those, who already show significant sports results, sign contracts with the clubs of Youth Hockey League with the possibility to pursue their career in the Continental Hockey League, play in the youth championships in their countries; and also one of the participants is already developing his career in Canada.
Vladislav Tretiak is an outstanding Russian hockey player, goalkeeper, and state and political figure. From 1969 to 1984, he defended the net of CSKA and the Soviet Union’s national ice hockey team. He played 482 matches in the USSR’s championships, 117 matches at the World Championships and Olympic Games, 11 matches in the Canada Cup tournaments. International Ice Hockey Federation has recognized Vladislav Tretiak as the best hockey player of the XX th century. He became the first European, who got into the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto in 1997.

He is the current president of the Ice Hockey Federation of Russia , a member of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sport and Youth Affairs. In 2014, Vladislav Tretiak, together with an outstanding figure skater Irina Rodnina, lit the Olympic Flame at the Olympic Winter Games in Sochi.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Speedway Gran-Prix Semi-Final to Be Held with the Support of Rietumu

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