Programme of the II “Laima Vaikule Rendezvous” Festival in Jurmala Has Been Announced

3 June 2016, 12:00

Recently a press conference devoted to the “Laima Vaikule Rendezvous” Festival was held in Jurmala. The full programme of the festival was presented and the participating guests were named. The festival will be held in the Dzintari Concert Hall on 5 - 8 July, with the traditional support of Rietumu Bank.

The festival took place for the first time in 2015, at once causing big interest on the part of guests and permanent residents of the Baltic resort. Instantly, the festival became one of the key events of the summer playbill.

A partner of this festival is again Rietumu Bank, which is also well known in Latvia as a big patron of arts who supports good quality projects in the field of culture and arts.

According to Member of the Council of Rietumu Bank Alexander Gafin, “We supported the first festival and we are glad that it enjoyed success, people have been talking about it up to now and are looking forward to the next meeting with Laima and her friends. It is very important, as the start is always hard, in any business. We are sure that this year the festival will reach another peak and will again become a holiday for numerous connoisseurs of Laima Vaikule’s art. I would like to add that such events create a bright, festive and creative atmosphere of the summer season in Jurmala.”

During the press conference, Laima Vaikule told those present about what is happening at the current stage of the project, “Now I am working on the repertoire of the concerts, coordinating it with my colleagues. It is turning out to be very interesting, as each of my guests is a personality and a star, whose concerts are usually a full house. At this festival, each of them will present their most famous hits and, certainly, we will sing some selected songs together. This is a unique opportunity to have several days when one can see almost all show stars from our neighbouring countries! This will be a unique event, as throughout the entire four days of the festival different events will also be held beyond Dzintari Concert Hall. Joyful parties and creative afterparties will be held, just like it should be on a summer festival – a real feast for artists and spectators.”

This year the festival will last for four days – two days more than last year. The programme has turned out to be very saturated. Laima has prepared surprises jointly with each of the artists, original duets and trios are expected, and songs will be sung in Russian and Latvian.

Among the invited guests, there are: Hibla Gerzmava, Grigory Leps, Edita Piekha, Emin Agalarov, Kristina Orbakaite, Maksim Galkin, Larisa Dolina, Alexander Buinov, Lolita, Soso Pavliashvili, Vladimir Vinokur, Elena Vaenga, Sergey Mazaev, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natalya Podolskaya, Stas Piekha, Verka Serdyuchka, Potap and Nastya, Ilona Bronevitskaya, Groups: Serebro, VIA Gra, Vremya I Steklo, Musiqq, M- Band and, certainly, Latvian performers – Intars Busulis, Janis Stibelis, Olga Rajecka, Lauris Rejnieks and Marija Naumova.

This year TV viewers of other countries will also be able to watch concerts given within the framework of the festival. Live broadcast will be provided on the First Baltic Channel in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, as well as on the RTVi and Musicbox TV channels.

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Exhibition of Alexei Kuzmich – “Madonna’s Temple” at Rietumu Bank Gallery

The exhibition of Alexei Kuzmich "Madonna’s Temple” has been opened at the Rietumu Bank exhibition gallery, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus and the Belarusian Information Centre.

29 April 2016, 12:00 Charity & Sponsorship