Summer Training of the Famous Vladislav Tretiak and Sergey Naumov School of Goaltenders is Completed in Riga

13 June 2018, 15:31
Already for the ninth year in succession, with the support of Rietumu Bank, the Vladislav Tretiak and Sergey Naumov International School of Goaltenders opened its doors for 10 summer days . Young athletes from all over the world arrived here to take classes from famous masters.

This year about 40 young goaltenders arrived to Latvia – from Estonia, Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, France, Finland, Spain and Germany. Local athletes also participated in the master classes. The youngest athlete is just 8 and the oldest is 28. The participants of the School of Goaltenders also include girls – rising stars of women’s ice hockey.

“The Vladislav Tretiak and Sergey Naumov International School of Goaltenders is not an entertainment camp for children. There is no entertainment programme, it is rather a tough training programme. This is professional training,” said the famous Latvian goalkeeper, one of the organisers of the School and its trainer Sergey Naumov. “Sportsmen, though young, must be independent and take responsibility both at training and during their spare time. This is what we are striving for. If the participants have some general requests for organising their free time however, we of course do our best.”

The chief trainer of the Riga School of Goaltenders Vladislav Tretiak is not only providing autographs and instructions to his trainees. Here, in Latvia, he combines a lot of roles. He stands on the ice with a stick and conducts master classes for young goaltenders, sharing his knowledge and experience.

“The most important thing for these guys is a wish. A wish to be an athlete, play ice hockey, keep goal,” said the famous hockey player Vladislav Tretiak. “Everything else is connected - working capacity, determination, insistence and perseverance. Only then, by gritting one’s teeth, is there enough force to move forward and reach new heights.

Ice hockey is very popular in the world, and a lot of young people choose this sport. I see that those who have arrived to us, have strong motivation to become true masters and get into their national teams. But the competition is very stiff, and there will always be those who snap at their heels.

Their future fate depends on how they work today. Most probably, not all of them will become goaltenders, and not all will choose a sports career. But even today they have a goal – to become the best. Will they become the best in ice hockey or in another profession? Nobody can say for sure. But the fact that it is ice hockey that will help them solve any problems and difficulties and achieve success – this is what I do not doubt for a second!”

Eleonora Gailisha
Mass Media and Public Relations
Phone: +371-67020506
Fax: +371-67020563
E-mail: [email protected]

Tretiak School Will Again Hold Master Classes in Latvia

Classes of the Vladislav Tretiak and Sergey Naumov International School of Goaltending will be held in Riga and Jurmala for the ninth time, and, as always, with the support of Rietumu Bank.

1 June 2018, 11:47 Charity & Sponsorship